- Alu-family
- Alu-семейство* * *Alu-семейство
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Alu-family — Alu family. См. Alu семейство. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Alu family — /ˈælu fæmli/ (say alooh famlee) noun sequences of DNA which are repeated and which in humans comprise 3 6% of the total DNA; found only in primates and in humans …
Alu-Sequenz — Alu Sequenzen sind eine Familie repetitiver (sich wiederholender) DNA Sequenzen in Genomen von Primaten[1]. Sie gehören zu den „Short interspersed nucleotide elements“ (kurze, verteilte Nukleotidelemente), abgekürzt SINEs. Alu Sequenzen sind… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alu-Familie — Alu Sequenzen sind eine Familie repetitiver (sich wiederholender) DNA Sequenzen in Genomen von Primaten[1]. Sie gehören zu den Short interspersed nucleotide elements (kurze, verteilte Nukleotidelemente), abgekürzt SINEs. Alu Sequenzen sind… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alu-семейство — Alu family Alu семейство. Cемейство умеренно повторяющихся последовательностей ДНК, известное у многих млекопитающих и у некоторых других организмов; размер Alu повтора около 300 пар нуклеотидов, а в 170 парах от начала расположен сайт узнавания… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Alu sequence — An Alu sequence is a short stretch of DNA originally characterized by the action of the Alu restriction endonuclease. Alu sequences of different kinds occur in large numbers in primate genomes. In fact, Alu sequences are the most abundant mobile… … Wikipedia
Family — (1) A group of individuals related by blood or marriage or by a feeling of closeness. (2) A biological classification of related plants or animals that is a division below the order and above the genus. (3) A group of genes related in structure… … Medical dictionary
Alu — This Italian Sicilian surname has at least three possible origins. The dictionary of Italian Surnames has in its introduction that the subject (of Italian surnames) is unusually complicated , and this is an understatement! Italian surnames unlike … Surnames reference
Alu — A family of repeat DNA sequences, cleaved by the restriction enzyme Alu I, dispersed throughout the genomes of many animal species. The family consists of about 500,000 copies, at 300 bp each, per human genome … Forensic science glossary
Alu repeat sequence — any of a family of related, repetitive, dimeric DNA sequences, named for their cleavage by the restriction endonuclease Alu I. The sequences are approximately 300 base pairs long and are interspersed throughout the primate genome in up to a… … Medical dictionary
Alu sequences — A highly repeated family of 300 bp long sequences dispersed throughout the human genome, so named because they are released by the digestion of genomic DNA with the restriction endonuclease AluI … Glossary of Biotechnology